What Jobs Can You Get with an LLB Degree | Regenesys

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An LLB degree (Bachelor of Laws degree, or Legum Baccalaureus) is an incredibly versatile and prestigious higher qualification that can open doors to a wide range of careers. From working as a traditional lawyer in a law firm or in-house legal department, to pursuing a career in business, finance, politics, or academia, the jobs you can land with an LLB degree are diverse and varied – in fact, almost endless. 

Let’s explore some of the most popular and rewarding career opportunities you can pursue once you have graduated with your LLB degree.


  • Joining the legal profession
  • Corporate career options with an LLB degree
  • Research and academia with a Bachelor of Laws
  • Getting your LLB degree

Joining the legal profession


Being an attorney is the most obvious and popular career option for law. Attorneys can specialise in a variety of areas, such as criminal, corporate, family, or environmental law. In general, they provide legal advice to clients, represent clients in court, tribunals and fora, and draft legal documents.

To become an attorney in South Africa, certain requirements must be met. You need to complete an undergraduate LLB degree, which typically takes four years of full-time study. After completing their Bachelor of Laws, prospective attorneys must complete a two-year internship (often referred to as articles of clerkship) under the supervision of a practicing attorney. After completing your articles, you must pass an admission exam. Once those are out of the way, you can be admitted as an attorney.


Advocates are legal practitioners who specialise in representing clients in court. In South Africa, this is more often than not the high courts, Supreme Court of Appeal, and the Constitutional Court. Typically advocates are briefed by attorneys to represent clients in more complex or high-stakes legal matters, making it a career like no other. Unlike attorneys, advocates do not provide legal advice ad hoc to clients, but are often called upon to provide written opinions in complex matters. 

To have a career as an advocate in South Africa, you must first complete an LLB degree and then complete a year of pupillage (a form of apprenticeship) under the supervision of a senior advocate. After completing pupillage, prospective advocates must pass an exam to be admitted to the General Council of the Bar. 


Another job you can qualify for with an LLB is as a public prosecutor. In this case, you will work for the state and represent the government in criminal cases. 

Once you have your LLB degree you will need to complete a practical legal training course. Then you can apply the National Prosecuting Authority for a position as a prosecutor. 

Corporate career options with an LLB degree

Corporate legal advisor

Legal advisors are professionals who provide legal advice and guidance to companies and organisations on a range of legal matters that typically pertain to the nature of the business of the organisation. They ensure, among other things, that businesses comply with regulations, draft legal documents and contracts, and provide support on legal disputes.

To become a legal advisor, a you must complete an LLB degree. You may then work in-house for a company, or for a law firm that specialises in advising businesses on legal matters.

Legal advisors can work in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. 

Corporate lawyer

Corporate lawyers are legal practitioners – normally attorneys – who specialise in advising businesses on legal matters, particularly those related to corporate law. They are responsible for ensuring that their clients comply with regulations, and are involved in negotiating complex business deals and drafting contracts.

Corporate lawyers typically advise on mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and corporate governance matters. They can also specialise in areas such as intellectual property law, employment law, or tax law.

Mediator and or arbitrator

Often, people who hold LLB degrees opt to become mediators and or arbitrators. A mediator generally helps parties resolve disputes outside court through negotiation. Arbitrators help parties resolve disputes outside court through binding decisions.

Both mediators and arbitrators must register with professional bodies to be recognised in their fields.

bachelor of laws

Research and academia with a Bachelor of Laws

Legal researcher

If you hold an LLB you can obtain work in legal research and provide analysis and insights on legal issues and precedents. Legal researchers may work closely with lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals to provide support and advice on legal issues.


As an academic, you would be responsible for researching and teaching the law. Academic legal research focuses on legal issues and their impact on society, often exploring questions related to human rights, justice, and equality. 

Getting your LLB degree

As you can see, an LLB degree will provide you with a wide variety of stimulating career options. 

Regenesys Law School offers a four-year LLB programme designed to develop analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as the professional communication skills required to develop well-rounded graduates who can excel across a multitude of legal career paths. Interested? Click here to find out about the Bachelor of Laws requirements.


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LLB Head of Strategic Communications | Regenesys Business School A lawyer by training, Mr Wasserman worked as a journalist and editor for a range of publications prior to joining Regenesys as a senior editor. He indulges both his creative and analytical mind teaching part time on Regenesys’ LLB programme, which has rapidly become his first love.

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