What is a Public Management? | Role, Responsibility, & Curriculum

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Are you curious about the driving force behind effective public administration and policy implementation? Do you wish to embark on a journey where you can shape communities, influence policy, and contribute to societal progress? Then pursuing a master’s degree in public management is something that will be beneficial to you. Public management plays a crucial role in shaping societies and driving effective governance. 

In this blog, we dive into the world of public management, exploring its definition, reasons to study a master in public management and governance programme, curriculum, and the career paths of this dynamic field. Whether you are interested in public administration, public policy, or public service, this blog will provide valuable insights into the multifaceted realm of public management.

What is Public Management?

Public management is the art of managing the activities of organisations in the public sector, creating policies, and providing public services that significantly impact society. It is a dynamic environment where leaders promote change, resources are used most effectively, and people’s needs are addressed. The Master of Public Management includes the administration of governmental organisations, nonprofits, and other public bodies that provide services to the general public and represent their interests. Public managers are essential for ensuring efficient resource use, carrying out regulations, and generating public value.

Reasons to Study Public Management

Public Management is a field that offers unique opportunities to make a positive impact on society. By pursuing a master’s degree in public management, individuals can address societal issues, promote efficient governance, and influence public policies.

There are several compelling advantages to studying a master of public management programme. Here are some key factors in favour of studying public management:

  • Making a Positive Impact: Studying public management enables people to influence society for the better. Professionals in this discipline can work to improve public service delivery by developing a thorough understanding of public sector operations, resource allocation, and policy execution. 
  • Enhancing Public Service Delivery: Enhancing the delivery of public services is one of public management’s primary goals. People that study this area get concepts and methods for streamlining workflows, increasing service quality, and allocating resources efficiently. 
  • Driving Policy Development: People studying public management can influence the processes of making decisions and developing policies. Studying social, economic, and political variables enables experts in this subject to create policies that address pressing issues, promote equality, and encourage sustainable development. 
  • Leading and Managing Public Organisations: People studying public management gain the skills to lead and manage public sector organisations successfully. Professionals in this discipline are in charge of advancing operational excellence and accomplishing organisational objectives, whether employed by governmental institutions, nonprofit organisations, or global institutions.
  • Embracing a Diverse and Dynamic Field: The field of public management provides a wide variety of job options. Graduates can find employment across various industries, including the government, nonprofits, consulting firms, and international organisations. 
  • Building Transferable Skills: People studying public management gain diverse skills outside the public sector. Strategic thinking, leadership, policy analysis, project management, and stakeholder engagement are transferable skills used in various industries and open doors to various professional opportunities. 
  • Professional Development and Networking: People studying public management can interact with industry leaders, experts, and professionals. This offers collaboration, mentoring, and networking opportunities, which can greatly advance professional development. 

Curriculum of Master’s Degree in Public Management

A Master of Public Management and Governance programme is a 2-year programme with NQF Level 9 Qualification. The curriculum for the programme consists of various topics that help learners understand the topic clearly. The curriculum consists of the following:

  • Governance and Intergovernmental Relations: The Governance and Intergovernmental Relations course aims to comprehensively understand the key roles, functions, and structure of national, provincial, and local government to Intergovernmental Relations (IGR).
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring and Evaluation offers a critical discussion on terminology, concepts, definitions, models, and techniques to explain the monitoring and evaluation process effectively.
  • Organisational Development: Organisational Development (OD) aims to critically discuss behaviour concepts and terminology as they have evolved in formulating OD models and processes to implement the most appropriate model in a given scenario.
  • Public Ethics and Corporate Governance: In Public Ethics and Corporate Governance, a critical examination will be held on the concepts, roles and responsibilities, and impact of corporate governance and ethics. The need for creating a common set of values within an organisational ethical framework will be analysed in depth.
  • Public Finance: The Public Finance course aims to comprehensively examine relevant terminology, concepts and legislation, including an in-depth understanding of Generally Recognised Accounting Practices (GRAP).
  • Public Policy Development and Implementation: The Public Policy Development and Implementation course aims to critically examine the relationship between policies, programmes, projects, policy development cycles, frameworks and the applicability/relevance of policy analysis tools within the public and development sector.
  • Strategic Management in the Public Sector: Strategic Management in the Public Sector is to extensively interrogate public policy and regulations related to public strategy and relevant theories, thereby ensuring effective strategies in different public and development environments to implement effective and efficient service delivery.

These are only some of the topics that are included in the master of public management programme. The complete curriculum at Regenesys Business School has been designed to provide learners with all the information and skills required to excel in the public sector. 

Career Paths for Public Management 

A Master of Public Management and Governance programme opens career paths in various sectors. Graduates with an MPM can pursue various jobs in governmental, nonprofit, and international organisations focusing on public administration, policy analysis, programme management, and leadership. Following are some possible career pathways for graduates of Master of public management:

  • Government Administrator: monitoring and executing policies and programmes in municipal, state, or federal public sector organisations.
  • Public Service Manager: Manage departments or divisions in the public sector to ensure good organisation, resource management, and efficient operations.
  • Policy Analyst: Develop recommendations, analyse and assess the effectiveness of existing policies, and add to the use of evidence in decision-making.
  • Programme Manager of an NGO: Organise, oversee, and assess programmes and projects in nonprofit organisations.
  • Grants and Development Manager of an NGO: To promote the organisation’s goal, secure funds, manage grants, and establish strategic partnerships.
  • Public Management Consultant: Work as a consultant for government and nonprofit organisations, offering your knowledge and suggestions on organisational development, policy implementation, and public administration.
  • International Development Consultant: Design and assess development projects and programmes in various nations by working with international organisations or consulting firms.

These are just a few of the examples. You can also get into other fields based on your interests and experiences after doing a master of public management


Studying a Master in Public Management and Governance programme offers a rewarding and impactful career path. By developing the necessary networks, knowledge, and skills in this field, people can put themselves in a position to improve government, change the world for the better, and benefit local communities. Public management experts have the chance to bring about long-lasting social change and build a better future for all, whether by enhancing the delivery of public services, guiding policy creation, or managing public organisations.

Stay tuned with Regenesys Business School for more related articles.

What is Public Management? – FAQs

What is Public Management? 

Public Management refers to planning, organising, and overseeing the operations of public sector organisations. To address the requirements of the public, it involves handling public resources, putting policies into place, and providing public services.

What skills and knowledge will I gain from a Master of  Public Management programme?

With a Master of Public Management programme, you will learn strategic planning, policy analysis, financial management, leadership, and programme evaluation skills. 

What career opportunities are available with a master’s degree in Public Management?

Graduates of public management can pursue various career paths like government administrators, policy analysts, programme managers, and public affairs officers or pursue careers in areas such as public finance, social services, healthcare administration, or urban planning.

Can I pursue a Master of Public Management and Governance programme online?

Yes, Regenesys Business School offers contact and online learning options.

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MA in English Literature, B.A (Hons) in English Literature Alankrati has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms and other niches. Before joining Regenesys, Ms Verma wrote articles and blogs for various Edtech websites.

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