Public Management Degrees Compared: BA vs BPM

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Are you passionate about making a difference and shaping policies that benefit society? 

If so, public management might be the ideal career choice for you. As you embark on this exciting journey, one decision you’ll need to make is choosing between a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Management and a Bachelor of Public Management (BPM). 

In this article, let us explore the similarities and differences between these two degrees, helping you make an informed choice.


  • What is a Bachelor of Arts in Public Management (BA)?
  • What is the Bachelor of Public Management (BPM)?
  • Comparing Public Management Degrees: BA vs BPM.
  • Choosing Between a BA in Public Management and BPM.

What is a Bachelor of Arts in Public Management (BA)?

Bachelor of Arts in Public Management (BA). This degree programme focuses on providing students with a comprehensive understanding of public administration, policy-making, and the management of public organisations. 

With a BA in Public Management, you’ll develop a broad knowledge base in:

  • Ethics, 
  • Public budgeting, 
  • Public policy analysis and
  • Organisational behaviour.

This degree equips you with the skills to work in various government agencies, nonprofit organisations, and consulting firms.

What is the Bachelor of Public Management (BPM)?

The Bachelor of Public Management (BPM) degree takes a more specialised approach. This programme places a greater emphasis on building leadership and management skills 

specifically tailored to the public sector. 

In addition to studying core public management concepts, students pursuing a BPM degree will also delve into core concepts such as:

  • Economics,
  • Public Management,
  • Public Policy Management,
  • Public Finance Management,
  • Public Strategic Management,
  • Public Human Resource Management.

The Bachelor of Public Management degree is designed to prepare graduates for managerial roles in various sectors such as: 

  • Government agencies,
  • Public administration departments,
  • Policy analysis organisations, and more.

Also Read: Understanding the Bachelor of Public Management Degree.

Comparing Public Management Degrees: BA vs BPM

The BA in Public Management and the BPM degree are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in public management. They share a common goal of preparing individuals for careers in public administration, policy analysis, and nonprofit management. However, there are distinct differences in the curriculum and focus of each programme.

BA in Public Management vs Bachelor of Public Management:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Management:


  • BA in Public Management programmes typically provide a broader education, incorporating liberal arts and humanities courses and core public management subjects.
  • Students might take courses in economics, political science, sociology, and communication alongside management-focused courses.


  • BA programmes aim to provide students with a well-rounded education, emphasising critical thinking, communication skills, and a broad understanding of societal issues.
  • While management skills are a component, BA programmes often focus on developing skills applicable to various fields.

Career Opportunities:

  • Graduates can pursue careers in public administration, non-profit organisations, social services, policy analysis, and even private sector roles.
  • Some graduates pursue Master’s degrees in specialised fields like Public Administration, Public Policy, or Business Administration for career advancement.

Bachelor of Public Management (BPM):


  • BPM programmes are highly focused on public sector management, offering in-depth courses explicitly related to public administration, policy-making, and organisational management.
  • BPM programmes often incorporate real-world case studies and practical training to prepare students for the challenges of managing public organisations.


  • PM programmes are tailored to provide specific skills and knowledge necessary for effective management within government agencies, non-profit organisations, and public service institutions.
  • Students learn about policy formulation, implementation, public finance, and governance structures unique to the public sector.

Career Opportunities:

  • BPM graduates are well-prepared for leadership roles within government agencies, local municipalities, and non-profit organisations.
  • Graduates can work as policy analysts, public administration consultants, or programme managers, contributing to the development and implementation of public policies and programmes.

Choosing Between a BA in Public Management and a BPM

Choosing between a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Management and a Bachelor of Public Management (BPM) involves considering your interests, career goals, and the specific focus of each programme. 

You can make an informed decision by following these steps:

Interest and Focus: 

  • Consider your specific career goals and interests. 
  • If you are passionate about working in the public sector and want specialised knowledge, BPM might be the better choice. 
  • If you prefer a broader education with the flexibility to explore various career paths, a BA in Public Management could be suitable.

Career Aspirations: 

  • If you aspire to high-level management positions within government agencies or non-profits, BPM might provide a more direct path. 
  • However, if you’re considering a broader range of career options, a BA in Public Management offers versatility.

Further Education: 

  • Think about your plans for further education. 
  • If you’re considering pursuing a Master’s degree later on, the foundational education provided by a BA might be an advantage. 
  • However, if you prefer a focused Master’s degree, BPM could be a great foundation.

By thoroughly researching both BA in Public Management and BPM programmes, considering your career aspirations, and evaluating your interests and strengths, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and sets you on a path to a fulfilling career in public management.

Bachelor of Public Managemen

The Bottom Line

A BA in Public Management and a BPM degree can open doors to rewarding careers in public management. Assess your preferences, career goals, and desired skillset to determine which degree aligns best with your aspirations. 

Whichever path you choose, your education in public management will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact on society and contribute to the betterment of your community.

Stay tuned with Regenesys School of Public Management to explore more about the Public Management Degrees.

Click here to learn more about Regenesys’ Bachelor of Public Management programme, public management course requirements, Bachelor of Public Management curriculum and more.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions: Comparing Public Management Degrees: BA vs BPM

What is a Bachelor of Public Management Degree?

Answer: A Bachelor of Public Management degree is an undergraduate programme designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage public organisations effectively. 

The curriculum typically covers many subjects, including public administration, policy analysis, economics, financial management, human resources, and strategic planning. 

In this programme, graduates also gain a comprehensive understanding of legal and ethical issues in public management, as well as the role of government in society.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Bachelor of Public Management

What Career Opportunities are available with a Bachelor of Public Management Degree?

Answer: Upon successfully completing a Bachelor of Public Management degree, graduates can pursue their career paths in the public sector. 

Listed below are some of the exciting career opportunities:

Public Administrator: 

  • As a public administrator, you will be responsible for managing and overseeing the operations of government agencies or non-profit organisations. 
  • The roles and responsibilities of a public administrator involve:
    1. Budgeting,
    2. Strategic planning,
    3. Policy development, and 
    4. Securing the efficient delivery of public services.

Policy Analyst: 

  • Policy analysts are mainly involved in shaping public policy. 
  • They study and evaluate:
    1. Social,
    2. Economic, and
    3. Political issues.
  • Thus providing recommendations and informing decision-making processes.

Programme Manager: 

  • Programme managers are responsible for:
    1. Designing, 
    2. Implementing and 
    3. Evaluating public programmes and initiatives. 
  • Programme managers ensure that programmes are aligned with the following: 
    1. Monitor performance,
    2. Organisational goals, 
    3. Oversee resource allocation and more.
  • This job profile requires strong leadership and organisational skills.

Non-profit Manager: 

  • The non-profit organisations work collaboratively with government agencies to resolve societal issues.
  • Non-profit managers will be accountable for: 
    1. Providing the effective delivery of services, 
    2. Managing the relationships with stakeholders and 
    3. Overseeing the operations of these organisations.

Government Consultant: 

  • With a Bachelor of Public Management degree, you can work as a consultant.
  • This job profile includes providing expertise and guidance to government agencies on various issues such as:
    1. Policy implementation, 
    2. Performance management and 
    3. Organisational development.

What skills are developed in a Bachelor of Public Management degree?

Answer: A Bachelor of Public Management degree not only provides students with theoretical knowledge but also hones their practical skills. 

Some of these essential skills that graduates can expect to develop include:

  • Leadership skills,
  • Policy Analysis skills,
  • Problem-Solving skills,
  • Effective communication skills and more.

Why pursue a Bachelor of Public Management Degree?

Answer: There are many reasons behind pursuing a  Bachelor of Public Management (BPM) Degree. 

  • Job Security
  • Making a Difference
  • Professional Development
  • Diverse Career Opportunities and more.

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MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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