Why study a digital marketing course - RegInsights

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So, you’ve finally decided to take the leap and start your small business, and now your next challenge is how you can accelerate its growth and reach more and more customers.

Frankly, as a small business owner in the startup phase, you’re bound to wear many hats in your business as you endeavour to get it off the ground and make it a success.

One of the things you will have to do is play the role of marketing, even if you never studied for it. But that’s where studying a digital marketing course will come in handy.

The importance of studying a digital marketing course  

The reality is that businesses that have a digital marketing approach are likely to have more success than those that don’t. A digital marketing strategy is an indispensable part of your business strategy.

In this increasingly digital economy we find ourselves in, leveraging digital technologies to promote your products or services is a sure way to have a competitive advantage.

After all, nearly three-quarters of the world (almost 62%) is actively using the Internet and gadgets today. That is to say, 4.88 billion people worldwide have access to the Internet, meaning there is a world of opportunity for the exposure of your small business.

In South Africa, there are 36.54 million internet users – and you can have a piece of the pie!

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So, as a business owner, you need to know the workings of the digital marketing machine, and you will gain this knowledge through studying a good digital marketing course which will be one of the building blocks for the success of your small business.

Such a course would not only empower you as an individual with a useful education for the digital age but will also empower your business. Every business owner’s wish is to see their business flourish, isn’t it?

Great investments shouldn’t only be made into your business, but in yourself, too. A surefire way to do this is by upskilling yourself, especially in areas of the business where you don’t necessarily have the expertise – which could be digital marketing, for instance.

Digital marketing is for anyone, really

For many, digital marketing happens to be their career and a specialty. However, it’s not limited to careerists. If you own a business, it’s a good idea to get acquainted with digital marketing in its full scope.

Even if someone else takes care of it, it helps to know. And what is digital marketing, again? It’s marketing over the internet and through digital technologies – so, your social media, email, mobile, and search engine marketing, and more.

As opposed to traditional marketing where you do your marketing with mostly high hopes it reaches the right eyes, with digital marketing, you can specifically target your ideal customers and tailor campaigns to them. Also, your customers willingly look for you, giving you a great advantage.

Five reasons to study a digital marketing course to help grow your small business 

  • You will gain the foundational knowledge and the know-how to optimally leverage digital tools to the advantage of your brand.
  • While you may already have a decent grasp of digital marketing, if it’s not yielding great results, then perhaps it’s not up to par – so it’s high time you advance your skills and improve your digital marketing game. It’s not good enough knowing ‘just enough’, you must get to know the ins and outs of it thoroughly. That way you can truly advance your business. What a digital marketing course will equip you with will enhance your efforts and take your business to the next level.
  • Digital marketing is not as easy as ABC as some people may like to think. Digital marketing is multi-faceted and has its complexities. Being well-versed in all its areas will enable you to make the online marketplace your playground and help boost your business.
  • As a business owner, you will learn just how powerful this form of marketing is and the various ways in which you can connect with your customers digitally.
  • Studying a digital marketing course will put you in a position to exploit digital marketing as plenty of people are constantly searching for businesses such as yours, so why not let yours be front and centre to capture their attention using digital marketing techniques you’ve learnt.

Quality digital marketing course to consider studying

Take for example the Digital Marketing course offered by Digital Regenesys, which is often updated with new and exciting content to expand your knowledge. The course has been researched, designed, and curated by digital marketing experts.

As a business owner who may be trying to juggle many things, this course is suitable for you in that you can catch up with recordings of the classes you happen to miss on the student portal.

And another perk about this course is that you can opt for a self-paced version so that you can learn at your own pace in your schedule.

You will get an introduction to digital marketing, learn about advertising via social media, how to develop a digital marketing strategy, digital marketing campaign management, mobile marketing, and so much more!


Digital marketing is imperative for your small business, don’t take it lightly. If you want your business to make strides in the online world, do some comparisons and find a quality digital marketing course to help you brush up on your skills. In time, you will see your business’ digital footprint expanding and those customers rolling in.

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