Bachelor of Accounting Science: NQF Level Info - Regenesys

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The NQF-level system creates transparency in the South African education system. The NQF level system helps individuals make a better choice about their studies by measuring how qualifications compare regarding the knowledge, skills, and competencies they offer. For those wanting to unlock their career potential, understanding the NQF level is crucial.

In this article, let us explore the details of the NQF level of the Bachelor of Accounting Science, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of this qualification.

What is the NQF level?

The NQF, or the National Qualifications Framework, is a system that classifies qualifications based on their level of complexity and skills required. It is used to ensure consistency and standardisation across different qualifications. 

The NQF levels range from 1 to 10, with level 1 being the lowest and level 10 the highest.

The NQF levels for each programme indicate the depth and complexity of learning.

Programmes at higher NQF levels, like 7 and more, usually allow for more advanced study and open up more excellent career opportunities.

The Importance of NQF Levels

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) system is used in South Africa to classify and compare different qualifications. It provides a framework for understanding the level of education and academic achievement associated with each qualification.

The NQF (National Qualifications Framework) levels play a crucial role in the education and employment sectors. Here are the importance of NQF levels:


  • NQF levels provide a standardised framework for comparing the levels of different qualifications.
  • NQF levels ensure that qualifications from different institutions are recognised and evaluated based on a set of guidelines, making it easier for employers, educational institutions, and learners to understand the level and content of a qualification.


  • NQF levels provide a clear progression pathway for individuals in their educational and professional journey. 
  • Each level signifies a different knowledge, skills, and competencies, allowing individuals to build upon their previous qualifications and advance in their career or education.


  • NQF levels differentiate between different types of qualifications.

For example: 

  • A Level 4 qualification may indicate a basic knowledge and understanding of a subject, 
  • A Level 7 qualification may indicate a higher level of specialisation and expertise. 
  • This differentiation helps employers and institutions to make informed decisions about the suitability of candidates for specific roles or programmes.

Recognition and portability: 

  • NQF levels provide a recognised standard for qualifications, which enhances their portability. 
  • This means that qualifications earned at one institution or in one industry can be easily recognised and accepted in other institutions or industries. 
  • This facilitates smooth transitions and career mobility for individuals.

Quality assurance: 

  • NQF levels play a vital role in quality assurance processes. 
  • Educational institutions and awarding bodies must ensure that their qualifications meet the requirements and standards of the relevant NQF level. 
  • This ensures that qualifications are consistently assessed and evaluated to meet a certain quality standard.

International comparability: 

  • NQF levels provide a basis for comparing qualifications internationally. This is particularly important for individuals who wish to study or work abroad. 
  • The NQF levels are a reference point for understanding the equivalency of qualifications across different countries, promoting international mobility and recognition.

Overall, NQF levels are crucial in promoting transparency, standardisation, and quality in education and employment. They provide a clear framework for individuals to understand and progress in their qualification pathways while facilitating recognition and portability of qualifications across different institutions and industries.

What is a Bachelor of Accounting Science?

A Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt) is an undergraduate academic degree programme that provides students with a comprehensive education in accounting and related business disciplines. 

A Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt) degree is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in accounting and finance. 

A Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt) programme typically covers a range of subjects related to financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, and business management. 

A Bachelor of Accounting Science programme is foundational for individuals aspiring to build a successful career in the dynamic and essential accounting field.

Also Read: What is Bachelor of Accounting Science?

What NQF level is the Bachelor of Accounting Science?

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a system that classifies and compares education and training qualifications in South Africa. 

The Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt) is typically classified at the NQF level 7.

NQF levels range from 1 to 10, each representing a different level of complexity and learning achievement.

NQF Level 7: 

  • This level corresponds to the attainment of a bachelor’s degree. 
  • The Bachelor of Accounting Science falls into this category, indicating that it is an undergraduate qualification with moderate complexity.
  • It’s important to note that NQF levels are specific to the South African education system. 

Other countries may have their qualification frameworks, and the classification of degrees may differ. Additionally, specific programmes may have variations in their NQF classifications based on factors such as programme structure, content, and accreditation.

 Bachelor of Accounting Science  - Regenesys


The NQF Level of a Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt) degree at Level 7 signifies high knowledge and skills in the accounting field. 

This qualification can open doors to various career opportunities within accounting, auditing, management accounting and taxation and offer avenues for further specialisation and international recognition.

Stay tuned with Regenesys School of Finance to learn more about the Bachelor of Accounting Science degree, the NQF Level of BCompt degree and more.

NQF level is the Bachelor of Accounting Science – FAQ’s

What is an NQF Level?

The NQF is a comprehensive framework that classifies South African qualifications according to criteria. It provides a standardised method for comparing qualifications and determining their complexity and academic rigour levels. This framework ensures that qualifications are recognised and respected both nationally and internationally.

What is a Bachelor of Accounting Science Degree?

The Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt) is a three-year undergraduate programme. The BCompt programme provides in-depth accounting, finance, business and management knowledge.

What is an NQF Level 7?

The NQF Level 7 builds on the foundational knowledge acquired at Level 6 and emphasises applying theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios.

What NQF Level is the Bachelor of Accounting Science?

The Bachelor of Accounting Science is typically aligned with NQF Level 7. This level represents the learning outcomes associated with a Bachelor’s degree and reflects a high level of intellectual and theoretical knowledge.

What is the primary purpose of the NQF?

The primary purpose of the NQF (National Qualifications Framework) is to provide a structure for organising and comparing qualifications in a country’s education and training systems. It sets national standards for different levels of educational attainment and establishes clear pathways for progression and recognition of qualifications. The NQF aims to promote consistency, transparency, and quality in recognising and validating learning outcomes, ultimately supporting lifelong learning, mobility, and employability.

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MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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