Strategic Leadership to Combat Social Engineering Threats - RegInsights

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Cybersecurity is a priority that every company is aware of, and many are actively implementing measures to keep their organisations safe. However, amidst these efforts, there’s one threat that stands out due to its psychological nature—social engineering. This type of threat manipulates the human mind, playing on psychological vulnerabilities rather than exploiting technical flaws. Recent news has shed light on the prevalence of these attacks, posing a critical question for leaders: What can you do about it, and how can you avoid falling prey to this kind of cybersecurity threat? Let’s discuss how you can combat these threats in your organisation and your everyday life.

Understanding Social Engineering

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Social engineering exploits the most vulnerable link in any security system: the human element. Unlike traditional hacking, which involves breaking through your digital defences, social engineering tricks your employees into handing over the keys to the castle. It’s about cunning, deception, and psychological manipulation. Effective leadership in this is not just about implementing technology but about fostering a culture of scepticism and verification.

Key psychological triggers include:

  • Authority: People are more likely to comply with requests made by individuals perceived as authority figures. This is often exploited in phishing attacks where attackers pose as company executives or other positions of power to coerce employees into disclosing sensitive information.
  • Scarcity and Urgency: These concepts tap into the natural human tendency to respond to things that seem rare or require immediate action. Cybercriminals exploit these reactions by creating a false sense of urgency or limited time opportunities, prompting hasty decisions like clicking on unsafe links. A prime example involves attacks known as MFA fatigue or prompt spamming, where hackers inundate employees with numerous multifactor authentication requests. This overwhelming flood of prompts exploits human tendencies to make errors under stress, rather than relying on complex hacking techniques, exposing a significant vulnerability in what’s typically a critical security measure.
  • Social Proof: People tend to follow the actions of their peers. Attackers use this to their advantage by manipulating what seems to be popular or common behaviour, thus luring victims into scams that appear legitimate because they mimic the behaviour of the majority.
  • Familiarity: People are more likely to trust and cooperate with someone they know or believe they know. Attackers often hack or spoof email accounts to send requests that appear to come from a colleague or friend, thereby exploiting the victim’s trust.

Expanding on these triggers can help employees recognise and resist social engineering attempts more effectively. Training that incorporates these aspects, along with regular updates on new tactics, plays a crucial role in fortifying an organisation’s defences against these psychologically driven attacks.

Examples of Social Engineering

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Let’s explore how hackers utilise social engineering tactics to access private information:

  1. Social Engineering Experiment by SubsumCom

Subsumcom conducted a security demonstration to highlight how easily a company can be hacked. In the demonstration, a woman pretended to be someone’s wife and played crying baby sounds from YouTube during a phone call to a company, likely a bank. She apologised for the background noise and claimed she was trying to access “our account” but couldn’t remember the email used. She then inquired about adding their daughter to the account to make changes and asked the consultant to send her a secure PIN to access the account. The woman took her deception a step further by requesting to change the password, thereby ensuring she could access the account at any time. This added step showcased an even deeper layer of vulnerability, as it illustrated how easily access could be maintained after the initial breach. This scenario was crafted to illustrate the vulnerability of organisations to social engineering tactics.

  1. Deepfake Technology

In a sophisticated scam, a finance worker at a multinational firm was deceived into transferring $25 million. Fraudsters used deepfake technology in a video call to impersonate the company’s chief financial officer. The worker believed he was interacting with several colleagues, who were also fabricated using deepfakes, leading him to comply with the fraudulent payment instructions.

  1. MGM Casino’s Hack

On September 11, 2023, cybercriminal groups Scattered Spider and ALPHV, also known as BlackCat, breached MGM’s network By exploiting information from an employee’s LinkedIn profile, they convinced the helpdesk to disable multi-factor authentication for critical accounts. This breach allowed them to navigate through MGM’s network, ultimately launching a ransomware attack that caused significant operational disruptions and damaged MGM’s reputation.

These examples are just a few of many, demonstrating the diverse methods by which social engineering can be exploited to infiltrate and disrupt organisations. They underscore the critical need for robust security measures and continuous employee training to defend against such threats.

Leadership Strategies to Combat Social Engineering

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Here are some strategic leadership approaches to effectively deal with social engineering threats:

  • Educational

Invest in comprehensive security training programmes that are updated regularly to address the latest social engineering tactics. This includes training employees on how to recognise phishing attempts, the dangers of oversharing on social media, and the importance of following security protocols even when they seem inconvenient.

  • Awareness

Creating a culture where security is everyone’s responsibility is crucial. This can be fostered by leading by example, recognising and rewarding secure behaviours, and maintaining open lines of communication where employees feel comfortable reporting suspicious activities without fear of retribution.

  • Strong Verification Processes

Enforce policies that require multiple forms of verification before sensitive information is altered or access is granted. This could include steps like follow-up phone calls or the use of secondary communication channels to verify significant transactions or requests for access changes.

  • Regular Security Audits and Updates

Conduct regular audits of security policies and systems to identify and address vulnerabilities. This should be complemented by ensuring that all software is up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.

  • Crisis Management and Response Planning

Develop and regularly update a comprehensive incident response plan that includes specific procedures for dealing with social engineering attacks. This plan should be practised regularly through drills and simulations to ensure that all team members know their roles in the event of an actual breach.

Incorporating these strategies can significantly bolster an organization’s defences by not only addressing the technical aspects of security but also by fortifying the human elements susceptible to manipulation.


As we’ve discussed, social engineering presents a formidable threat to organisations of all sizes by exploiting human vulnerabilities rather than technological weaknesses. Leadership is crucial in addressing these challenges, not only through implementing advanced security measures but also by cultivating an informed, vigilant, and proactive workplace culture.

For organisations aiming to fortify their defences against social engineering, investing in comprehensive cybersecurity education is essential. Digital Regenesys offers a specialised cybersecurity programme designed to equip your team with the necessary skills to identify, respond to, and prevent sophisticated attacks.

The battle against social engineering is ongoing and constantly evolving. It demands a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation, as well as a dedicated leadership effort to protect not just digital assets but also the integrity of human interactions within your organisation.


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Dip Media Practices Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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