More South Africans want higher education and Regenesys is stepping in - RegInsights

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More South Africans want higher education and Regenesys is stepping in

The function room at Regenesys Business School’s Sandton campus was filled to the brim, being the venue where over 300 potential students gathered to begin the journey to a better life.

The two-decade-old institution has been at the forefront of advocating for an educated South Africa.

In this wise, the board and management of Regenesys have opened its doors to people from all walks of life to acquire quality education and better their lives.

Packed in the hall were public servants from the Police Service, Correctional Service, Transport department, as well as several other departments and agencies of government.

Also in attendance were men and women working in various private organisations who paid rapt attention to the CEO, Ms Leoni Grobler, and other top management staff reel out the benefits of studying with such a world-class and globally recognised institution.

Via the Public School and Business School, Regenesys plans to offer different industry-relevant programmes culminating in qualifications ranging from Higher Certificate to a bachelor’s and master’s degrees to all who qualify and are ready to begin the journey.

Excited and optimistic about the prospects of gaining such highly sought-after qualifications, the participants enthusiastically filled the forms, eager to transform their lives for the better.

Speaking with Regenesys, Mr Ndou, a Police Constable, said he is more than delighted to finally have the opportunity to upgrade his academic credentials and also receive relevant knowledge when he finally commences the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management programme in a few weeks.

Regenesys Open Day registrationsAlso echoing his thought was Ms Sharon, a currently unemployed candidate and aspiring entrepreneur, who praised the institution for putting together the Open Day, thus rekindling her spirit and hope in the future.

She is set to commence her MBA programme with the institution right away.

More interesting to see was the significant number of young people in attendance, happy to hear about the government-provided bursary available to help them realise their dreams.

Among this demographic was Mr Dumi, a millennial who holds a Humanities Honours degree and works with the Sasolburg Local Municipality in the Free State Province.

He said he was delighted with the offering – mainly because he can study and work at the same time, taking advantage of the online interactive learning mode.

According to him, Regenesys has proven that where there is a will, there is a way.

With a robust online portal and easily digestible study materials offered to students, the distance barrier that keeps many people uneducated has finally been smashed to smithereens.

This indisputable fact holds given the number of potential students who say they will study online, complete their assessments in the same manner, while continuing with their daily lives wherever they find themselves.

According to them, a fluid study plan is one of the most important reasons they choose to study with Regenesys.

For some others, the payment plans – which are quite flexible – is the primary reason they choose the institution.

This set of attendees applauded the school for partnering with the government of South Africa to provide bursaries for people who may not be able to afford the fees.

This initiative, they point out, will help reduce illiteracy, and consequently, bring down the number of South Africans captured in the inequality and poverty statistics.

Mr Phumudzo, who works with the Correctional Service, is particularly thrilled with this opportunity and believes such initiatives will reduce the number of people who turn to crime.

Regenesys Open Day registrationsHe emphasises further that access to such quality education and the prospect of getting a globally-recognised certificate at the end is more than enough motivation to keep the youths off illicit drugs, robbery, and other related crimes.

Having educated more than 200,000 students in the past 20 years, many of whom are directors, senior managers, and successful entrepreneurs scattered all over the world, Regenesys Business School is set to up the game.

Having just moved into a modern and better-equipped building in the heart of Sandton, as well as investing in a continuous upgrade of its digital platforms, the school is moving to higher heights, and the students will be better for it.

The huge turnout and enthusiastic attitude seen among the Open Day participants prove that South Africans are thirsty and yearning for opportunities to better their lives and are willing to put in the work to acquire the right qualifications.

Quality education, like what Regenesys offers, is the best equaliser, that can, like Madiba rightly said, empower people and give them hope for a better future.

This batch of over 300 potential candidates will join hundreds of others who have already registered for the 2019/2020 session at Regenesys campuses in Mumbai, Lagos, and Sandton, as well as hundreds more who have chosen the online mode of study, to enjoy the best education one can ever wish for.

Regenesys’ Education for All (Ed4All) Initiative opens access to more indigent students

Education for All (Ed4All)To ensure everyone who is qualified and motivated to study at tertiary level is given an opportunity, the business school is relying on its subsidiary – the Regenesys Foundation – to open up access to more prospective students who may be incapacitated because of a lack of funds to pay their school fees.

Thanks to its flagship philanthropic programme, Education for All (Ed4All), more people from all over the country can now access world-class education and then graduate with a globally-recognised certificate in the end.

The primary aim of the Foundation is to empower qualifying students who would, in turn, contribute to making the world a better place. The Foundation promotes and provides free global access to business education, supports entrepreneurship, and contributes to job creation and economic development.

Click here to read more about the Foundation and Ed4All

Regenesys Open DayConclusion: Every willing student should be given a chance to awaken their potential

According to the CEO of the institution, Regenesys is all about awakening the potential of every student, giving them purpose and a reason to aspire to greater heights.

Such is the philosophy that has kept the school in the top echelon of institutions of higher learning in South Africa, leading the way as they provide applicable and quality education the nation requires to develop and grow.

Whether these potential students end up in the Public School or the Business School, one thing is sure: their life will never remain the same again after they begin any of the programmes and leave with their hard-earned qualification.

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Regenesys Business School