Jobs You Can Get With an MBA | Regenesys

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A Master of Business Administration qualification affords you the opportunity to obtain high-ranking, well-paid jobs that would otherwise not be as easily accessible without this type of qualification. That’s why MBA holders are a distinguished group of professionals who are most attractive to employers.  

Once people become aware that you have an MBA degree – in both professional and social settings – their perception of you greatly improves. It is assumed that you work at an excellent job and earn well, so people give you more respect. 

This article covers:

  • The fields an MBA qualifies you to work in 
  • 7 jobs you can get with an MBA:
    1. Business development director
    2. Marketing manager
    3. Marketing manager
    4. Business consultant 
    5. Sales director 
    6. Financial analyst
    7. Client relationship manager
  • Why an MBA degree helps land top jobs

Having an MBA qualifies you to work in many different fields  

You can use an MBA degree to step up into managerial roles in business administration in various industries, including:

  • Finance 
  • Information technology
  • Healthcare
  • Retail
  • Supply chain and logistics 

One of the best things about being an MBA graduate is the expansive professional network you become a part of through your graduate school. You are exposed to various business opportunities through connections with professionals in leadership positions at multinational companies and government institutions. 

8 jobs you can get with an MBA

An MBA programme prepares you for a broad range of jobs such as operations manager, business development manager, chief executive officer, or supply chain manager, among others. Here are just a few examples of jobs you can land with your MBA, with annual pay estimates by Payscale.

  1. Business development director

    • This job requires well-honed business acumen. As director of business development, you are in charge of a business’s growth strategy, and responsible for carving out and exploring new business opportunities in line with business goals, as well as improving business revenue.
    • A business development director has skills of persuasion and negotiation. This job offers earning potential of R503,000 to R3-million a year.
  2. Marketing manager:

    • Bursting with creativity, a critical thinker, and have strong leadership skills? This could be the job for you.
    • As a marketing manager you will make key marketing decisions. Your responsibilities will include conducting market research and developing marketing strategies that drive growth.
    • Payscale puts the earning range for marketing managers at R231,000 to R922,000 a year.

MBA Degree

3. Business consultant:

    • Business consultants play the role of advisors who help companies achieve their business goals in a particular function of the business such as sales, IT, finance, marketing, HR, or security.
    • Top salaries for business consultants are estimated at R879,000 a year.

4. Sales director:

      • As a sales director, you would direct and manage the sales operation of a business, setting strategy and sales plans and overseeing their implementation to achieve profit targets.
      • You will also be expected to develop and maintain relationships with customers.
      • The earning potential for sales directors ranges from R374,000 to R1-million a year.

5. Financial analyst:

    • As a financial analyst you will help inform and guide financial strategies to help improve the financial status of a business.
    • You are well acquainted with market trends and provide advice to a company about investment opportunities and also do risk analysis.
    • A financial analyst’s salary is estimated to top out at R631,000 a year.

6. Client relationship manager:

    • As a client relationship manager, your focus is on building strong relationships with clients or customers.
    • You take care of their needs, helping them achieve their business goals through your company’s products or services.
    • According to Payscale, client relationship managers can earn up to R719,000 a year.

7. Entrepreneur:

Why an MBA degree helps land top jobs

An MBA degree can give your career a big boost, as the breadth of vision it gives you equips you to understand a business as a whole. The core subjects you will cover give you the opportunity to hone your management, business, leadership and entrepreneurship skills, while your elective subjects and research project will give you the opportunity to deepen your specialist expertise. Together these will help you land excellent positions that pay well.  

A qualification at the level of excellence of an MBA provides a great pathway to a thriving career in a range of top jobs.

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