Celebrating Freedom Day: Education as the Cornerstone of Empowerment - RegInsights

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Johannesburg, 26 April 2024 — As Freedom Day approaches, we reflect not only on the historic events that shaped South Africa’s democracy but also on the ongoing journey towards achieving true freedom and equality for all citizens. At the heart of this journey lies education, an essential tool for empowerment and progress.

In South Africa, education stands as a beacon of hope, offering pathways to a brighter future for individuals and communities alike. However, while significant strides have been made since the dawn of democracy, challenges persist within the country’s education system. Issues such as unequal access to quality education, shortage of resources in schools, and the impact of socio-economic factors continue to hinder the realisation of full educational potential for many South African learners.

On this Freedom Day, it is crucial to reaffirm our commitment to addressing these challenges and ensuring that every child in South Africa has access to a high-quality education. Education not only equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed but also serves as a catalyst for social and economic development.

In line with this vision, EdForAll—an initiative that seeks to give hope to students and awaken their potential against all odds—partners with Regenesys Business School to advance educational opportunities and foster inclusive growth. EdForAll embodies the principle that education should be accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance.

For just R500 per month, it offers a range of educational programmes in business, technology, public management, and finance, providing students the opportunity to study now and pay later. This initiative extends an open invitation to a journey of personal and professional transformation and empowers individuals to unlock their potential and pursue their aspirations.

Through partnerships with schools, communities, companies, and government entities, EdForAll is making meaningful contributions to educational equity and empowerment across South Africa. It is breaking down barriers to higher education and opening doors to new possibilities for learners of all ages, thereby driving societal change and development.

“Our commitment at Regenesys goes beyond education; we are cultivating a cycle of empowerment and leadership that resonates through families, communities, and the nation at large,” asserts Dr Marko Saravanja, Executive Chairperson of Regenesys Business School. “By nurturing individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive, we not only transform lives but also ignite a ripple effect of positive change that enriches the fabric of society for generations to come.”

“During these difficult times, EdForAll emerges as a beacon of hope, not just alleviating the strain on families but also safeguarding the principle that higher education is a fundamental right, not a privilege, thereby nurturing the foundation of our future society,” adds Indherani Reddy, Chief Operations Officer at Regenesys Business School.

As we commemorate Freedom Day, let us recommit ourselves to the pursuit of educational excellence and inclusivity. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our nation, paving the way for a more prosperous and equitable society for generations to come.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

Mamello Raborifi

Public Relations Manager


083 214 5681


About Regenesys Business School

Regenesys Business School, established in 1997, is a leading institution dedicated to providing world-class education in business, public management, finance, law, and technology. With a focus on developing conscious leaders, Regenesys has become one of the fastest-growing business schools in Africa, offering internationally recognised undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. For more information, visit www.regenesys.net

About EdForAll 

EdForAll is a transformative educational initiative dedicated to fostering hope and unlocking the untapped potential within students facing formidable challenges. Established with a commitment to reshaping the landscape of higher education, EdForAll is a trailblazer, paving the way for access to disruptive, technology-driven online programmes that provide accredited, high-quality, internationally recognised bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, and certificate programmes. For more information, visit https://www.edforall.study/

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