Can I Become a Bank Manager After a BBA? - RegInsights

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Is it possible to become a bank manager with a Bachelor of Business Administration, or does one need to have a Bachelor of Business Administration in banking? To answer this question fully, we must understand the role of a manager in an organisation.           

This article covers:

  • Banking courses in Regenesys’ accredited qualifications
  • Leadership attributes encouraged in banking courses
  • How the BBA in banking assists

It’s an important question, as the job of a manager – whether in the banking sector, manufacturing or any other sector – is usually       similar. So once we understand what a manager does we can answer the question conclusively.

Wikipedia defines a manager, and management, as “the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a nonprofit organization, or a government body. It is the art and science of managing resources of the business. Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and co-ordinating the efforts of its employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application of available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources” (Wikipedia, 2022). 

Banking courses in Regenesys’ accredited qualifications

Given the above definition, then YES – it is possible to become a manager whether you have done your Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), or a specialised BBA in banking. It all depends on your ability to manage, as defined above. This requires less technical know-how and more general management capability. 

General management capabilities are a critical part of both the banking courses in Regenesys     accredited qualifications, whether specialist or generalist.

The mix of technical and general management skills you need will vary depending on which area of the bank you choose to work in. Here’s Robert Katz’s breakdown of the skills required:

(Adapted from Robert L Katz – Management S     kills)

Your BBA in banking qualification should give you a sound grounding in conceptual and technical skills, boosting your cognitive ability. And to bolster your chances of reaching management level in a South African bank, you will also have to pass banking certification courses from the Institute of Bankers South Africa.

Leadership attributes encouraged in banking courses

As you rise through the managerial ranks your technical skills remain important, but managing people and conceptual skills become more important. This is where      Regenesys graduates come into their element, as their emotional and spiritual intelligence – among the array of leadership attributes encouraged through their banking courses are a key advantage in a managerial post.

BBA Programme

The other attributes you need if you aspire to a managerial post include an appetite for learning and problem-solving. Your subordinates will bring you the challenges that they are facing, and while it is not a requirement that you solve all of these challenges, a person with an appetite for problem-solving is much more likely to thrive than someone who prefers routine and dislikes ambiguity.

Additional key factors are networking skills and the ability to work with anyone, at any level, as you will need to collaborate with team members, subordinates, peers, and superiors to succeed. 

How the BBA in banking assists

You also need to be self-motivated, as most days there will be no cheerleader to egg you on; rather, you will be required to play the cheerleading role to motivate your team, no matter how you feel. The heightened emotional and spiritual intelligence cultivated through Regenesys’ BBA in banking is crucial here.

So can you become a bank manager with a BBA? Yes, provided you have worked to develop the skill set needed a manager needs to succeed.


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MBL, BCompt, Banking Diplomas Facilitator | Regenesys Business School

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