

As with carbohydrates, the fat food group should be approached with caution as overindulgence of the food included in this group could cause serious health risks. Too much fat, especially saturated fat, could raise your cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease. But let us discover the purpose of fat, the types and
In our previous articles, we had a general discussion about food and nutrition and followed that with information on exercise programmes. Now we are going to explore the role of carbohydrates in our nutrition. Carbohydrates, fibre, starch – a rose by any other name… Throughout the years, carbohydrates have received bad publicity and have been
Advanced technologies have been creeping into our lives. They have become an indispensable part of the way we live. They have made our lives easier, more efficient and safer. And nowhere is this more apparent than in healthcare. Medical and healthcare technologies have been advancing at a rapid rate and it has been accelerated by
Running is a simple, low-cost way to build your fitness and maintain your weight. And after a year of living with the Covid pandemic, we are all in need of some good solid exercise. Teboho Ndzuzo from our Dananda Talent team, coordinates the Regenesys Running Club, and shares the following benefits of running with us:
This week Prabhakar Rampersadh has contributed this hearty vegan cauliflower soup. He says it’s just the thing to chase the Covid blues away on a cold winter’s evening. Vegan roasted cauliflower soup with potatoes, lemon, and rosemary is simple to make, super satisfying, and so delicious. It’s a healthy form of self-care. Prabhakar says this